What sets Sonic Rodeo apart…

The common theme that we’ve run across while talking to musicians all over the country is this: rehearsal spaces are usually dumps. They’re usually in a run down building with bad electrical, filthy bathrooms, and tons of gear in all states of disrepair. We are changing that. Think of a hotel room. They are clean when you arrive and everything is in its place. If you love their towels and want to take one home, you’re going to get charged for it. How about a rental car? It’s nice to get into a car with no dents and scratches where everything works. If you wreck it or damage it, you’ll get charged for it. We are approaching the rehearsal business in the same way. We aren’t looking to get rich by making our customers pay for everything. We want to offer the best experience possible. For this reason, with each rehearsal we require a credit/debit card. This is what helps us ensure that we are serving a client that appreciates what we do as much as we appreciate them. We will provide a very clear price list for items that can be broken, lost or “accidentally” walked off with. We are sure that once you’ve experienced this higher level of rehearsal, you won’t look back. All that and we’re still a better value than the other studios in town!